Thursday, December 10, 2009

What is the history of the Globe Theater in London?

Who was it built by? When? When did it burn down? How were speacial effects achieved in those times?

Thanks %26lt;3

What is the history of the Globe Theater in London?opera score

Here's all the information you need:

Special effects: (and other interesting information) (general)

What is the history of the Globe Theater in London?musicals opera theater

first built in Cuthbert Burbage.

The globe theater in London was mainly used as the theater where Shakespeare's plays were performed for more in formation


and or

if you are doing a report on the globe theater, Do not copy directly from the page. Because your teacher will ask for a source and if she see plagiarism = bad grade. so make sure if you are doing a report use your own words.

best of luck
It was built from the timbers of the old Theater in Shoreditch, reassembled in Southwark. It burnt down in 1613, but was then rebuilt and remained in use till 1640 when it was closed down.

A reconstruction on nearly the same spot was opened a few years ago.
I think shakspeare opened it
It was built in 1599 by the Lord Chamberlain's men (Shakespeare's company) and burnt down in 1613. It was and still is primarily used for the plays of Shakespeare.

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